Sunday, 26 February 2012

Depression and and Anxiety

Psychiatrists will define mood as “sustained emotion”. Mood, in more laymen’s language is a state of mind. At one end of the spectrum we have euphoria and at the other, depression. Mood disorders like anxiety, anger, clinical depression and mania are identified when the individual tends to feel more intensely sad or elated than the situation calls for.
Depression and anxiety are the most common mood disorders.  Clinical depression, in fact, can lead to major emotional disorders like dysthymia, bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorders, etc. According to research more than ten per cent of the people who suffer from depression also suffer from depression-related physical illnesses.  Often, if depression is a result of a significant life event like the death of a loved one, it can be overcome without medical intervention. Improving mood can alleviate the feelings of despondency to a large extent.
The symptoms of depression show themselves as a perpetual sad mood with a lack of interest in daily routine. There is also a lack of energy, inherent fatigue, loss of appetite and often weight loss. Some people also experience increased appetite and related obesity. Sleep patterns are disturbed. The individual experiences a feeling of low self worth, lack of focus and frequent thoughts of suicide. When this continues for two weeks or more, these individuals need depression treatment to get out of this mood disorder since major depression is a health risk.
Depression can also be idiopathic, where the cause is unknown. Medications could aggravate it. There is plenty of research directed at    biological reasons like heredity, nutritional deficiencies, and other psychological factors. In someone suffering from depression, there are imbalances in the neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are the chemicals that are the communication channels between cells. Two such chemicals are noradrenaline and serotonin, whose levels are lower when a person is depressed.
When a person seeks depression help, the treatment may combine drug therapy and psychotherapy. Antidepressant drugs work on changing the level of neurotransmitters serotonin and noradrenaline, which carry nerve impulses in the brain. There are several types of antidepressant drugs, which are administered based on the individual’s specific problems.
There are natural methods that complement depression treatment that can make a major difference to this mood disorder. Exercise alone can resolve many symptoms of depression and bring about mood improvement. This has been proven by scientific studies which reveal that exercise not only works for improving mood but also relaxes the individual, improving their ability to tackle stress. Along with this, a nutrient-rich diet combined with relaxation techniques for stress reduction can form a large component of depression treatment.
With the above detailed background, we can now look at Amoryn critically as a mood improvement or mood-enhancing supplement. Amoryn’s herbal ingredients have been carefully combined to help combat depression, eliminate anxiety, reduce stress and improving mood. It elevates emotional well-being and raises the body’s natural energy levels.  Amoryn’s adaptogenic herbs and botanical ingredients have been clinically proved to heal the body’s neurological system. It also contains amino acids, which the body needs to balance the levels of serotonin and other neurotransmitters as they play a role in improving mood and psychological health. Amoryn also has a patented formula of antioxidants and vitamins to enhance the body’s defenses against stress. According to clinical research, Amoryn relieves social anxiety, depression and panic attacks, and brings other health benefits like mood improvement and weight loss – all without the intervention of drugs and their harmful side effects. As a 100% natural nutritional supplement, Amoryn is a healthy way for improving mood, fight depression, relax and get rid of stress and fatigue.

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