Sunday, 4 March 2012

What Indian Woman wants...

The hottest women in India give you a lesson on what turns them on. And off. Pay attention! 
Women can't resist... Super-fresh breath! 
"Nothing's a bigger turn-on than minty fresh breath and a set of healthy pearly whites up close!
-Kanishtha Dhankhar, Miss India 2011 
Chronic bad breath isn't just a sex killer, but it also activates your wallfl ower status pretty much everywhere, be it with friends or at work. The problem with Indian men (and we cannot stress this enough) is that they just don't fl oss. Correct what you eat and don't touch that lemon or baking soda to whiten your teeth—you're risking dentures in the long run! 
Get it right:
  • Parsley contains chlorophyll, a well-known natural breath deodoriser.
  • Herbs and spices are natural breath enhancers. Chew cloves, fennel or anise seeds after odoriferous meals.
  • Apply mashed strawberries to your teeth for whiter teeth.
Women can't stand... Obsessive grooming 
"There can be such a thing as too much care. A man has to be a little rugged around the edges, else there's no sex appeal.
-Mia Uyeda, model and actor 
Male grooming has existed since 10,000 BC, when men invented scented oils to mask body odour. But you don't want to go back to the Elizabethan era of powdering your face deathly-white and donning a wig either. Think of grooming as makeup—the end effect is to look as fresh and natural as possible.
Get it right:
  • If you have to shave your chest, use a nonbumpy, smoother medium.
  • For unibrows, groom only the underside of your brows and leave the top arch.
  • Pedicures and manicures are hygienic—just don't get your nails buffed. It says transparent nailpolish in a woman's eyes.
Grooming rulebreaker
  • You need sunscreen when it's cloudy or cold outside.
Your skin might not feel the heat, but it needs protection nevertheless. "Ultraviolet A and B rays are still around, affecting your skin mostly between 11am to 4pm," says Dr Shehla Agarwal, director, Mehak Skin Clinic, New Delhi. Apply sunblock 10 to 15 minutes before stepping out for the block to take effect. Also re-apply the cream every two to three hours. 

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