Sunday, 27 May 2012

Busting the Water Myths

Busting the Water Myths

Myth 1: Drinking water between meals is bad for digestion – This is one line that has been passed down from generation to generation. However, there is no scientific evidence to indicate that it will affect the digestive process. At the most, it will probably fill you up and reduce your appetite for dinner. But besides that, go ahead and enjoy a glass of water with every meal.
Use a fitkari  or alum for sedimentation
Sometimes the stored water looks and becomes cloudy (turbid) and unclear. Sedimentation is a physical process used to remove such turbidity of water by settling down the suspended particles.
The process of sedimentation can be quickened by adding certain chemicals such as alum or fitkari. To treat and purify the contaminated water at home, a piece of alum can be added and left unstirred for a couple of hours. After some time, the impurities get collected at the bottom of the vessel. After which, transfer the clear water into another container.
Bring it to a boil
Simply boiling the water is the easiest and most effective method of disinfecting the water. It effectively destroys most of the microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, protozoan and other pathogens.
A “rolling boil” for a minimum of one minute is enough to kill most of these disease-causing organisms.

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